COVID-19 and our Lab

Just wanted to take a moment and relay our disinfection procedures for our lab.

Here is our procedure for physical cases that come in the lab:

  1. Incoming shipping boxes are sprayed with Sporicidin and allowed to dry.
  2. Boxes are opened and models and Scripts are placed in a Lab case pan and sprayed with Sporicidin. Boxes and packing material are thrown away.
  3. While models are drying cases are checked-in to Easyrx.
  4. Appliances are fabricated with normal methods.
  5. Completed appliances are steamed cleaned using an industrial dental steamer
  6. Placed in Ultrasonic with Ammonia based cleaner for 5 minutes then rinsed.
  7. Submerged in Sporicidin for 5 minutes then rinsed.
  8. Appliance are rinsed and dried with a disposable paper towel
  9. Appliances are QC’d.
  10. Appliances are then packed in new boxes and packing material ready for shipping/delivery.

3D printed models follow same procedure as above starting with step 4.

If you have any questions please feel free to contact us:

(903) 776-4211 or